News Release from Portland Fire & Rescue
Posted on FlashAlert: February 29th, 2016 2:25 AM
Portland Fire and Rescue responded to a commercial alarm at around 10:30 Sunday night at 570 NE Tomahawk Island Dr. This fire was rapidly upgraded to a 2nd and 3rd alarm and eventually a 4th alarm. This is the Sundance Marina which dry docks boats inside a warehouse in a stacked system. At the time of the fire there were around 350 boats inside. Due to the size of the structure and the heavy fire involvement a “defensive” fire attack was employed. This involved the use of aerial Trucks to place water into the structure from an elevated position.
Early into the fire, crews were able to safely assist the owner in removing files and other essential information from inside the office. Due to this location being at the end of a small island, water supply from hydrants was not adequate. Three separate fire boats were used to supply water from the river to the land based units. At least one boat hit the fire from the water as well.
About two hours into the fire, parts of the structure began to collapse and a 4th alarm was called. Well over 100 fire personnel from both PF&R and Vancouver Fire were working at this fire. A US Coast Guard representative was called to advise for potential water related hazards.
At the time of this release there is still active fire smoldering inside the collapsed structure. Crews will be on scene for a while monitoring the scene.
Fire investigators are on scene and will be working on a cause. A dollar loss has not been established.
UPDATE: Portland Fire & Rescue’s Arson Squad has turned the site over to the owner of the Marina and his insurance representative. Fire investigators at this time have no reason to suspect that this is an intentionally set fire. The investigation is still ongoing. All insurance inquiries regarding contents should be directed to the Marina owner’s insurance representative.