In order to understand insurance law, first you have to understand insurance. Insurance is a fancy word for a contract. You have a contract with the insurance company. In exchange for your hard-earned premiums, the insurance company promises to pay you in certain circumstances. Important Terms to Know In any type of insurance claim or…
Tag Archives: Insurance
What You Need To Know About Earthquakes
The Earth’s surface is not a continuous, solid piece. It is comprised of many pieces, called plates, that fit together almost like a puzzle. The area between two plates is called a fault, and these plates are constantly moving along their faults, albeit very slowly. The movement of the plates colliding or dragging along each…
What is Business Income Coverage?
Property coverage is an essential when it comes to wildfire season, as many homeowners and business owners in Oregon came to realize in the summer of 2020. When wildfires are raging out of control around you and your property, you will obviously want some compensation if your property succumbs to fire. One piece of coverage…
Fire Safety: Tips For Protecting Your Home
Summer has finally arrived, and so has the increased risk of wildfires in the state of Oregon. The American Red Cross has cited that once a fire breaks out, you have two minutes or less to escape from your home. As many households know, a working fire alarm is essential in these circumstances as well…
Do You Have a Wildfire Plan?
Unfortunately, wildfires in the Pacific Northwest are something we need to plan for. Similar to getting insurance before something bad happens, planning for fires is important so you are prepared if it ever happens where you live. Tualatin Fire and Rescue created a great three step plan for fire prevention and evacuation should you need…
Fires Start Early in Pacific Northwest
It’s only June but due to a dry spring a very hot start to this month, there have been several fire warnings. This week, there was a fire in The Dalles that burned 170 acres. Luckily, the fire has now been contained. With fire season beginning, it is important to be cautious. We suggest searching…